Proprietor of www.interalia-ip.eu (“the Web Site”) is Carlos Hernández Hernández, Identity Card Number 07996119P, Calle Fernando de la Peña 29, 37005 Salamanca (Spain), info@interalia-ip.eu (“the Proprietor”), which does business under his own name or under the INTERALIA trademark.
A person accessing the Web Site becomes a user thereof. The Proprietor may analyse the number of visits, activities of visitors and frequency of use, for which purpose the Web Site uses statistical information provided by the Internet Service Provider.
The Web Site does not use cookies to gather users’ information. IP addresses of access are not registered.
Web Site offers information about the Company and its services and about Intellectual Property. This information does not constitute an irrevocable offer to perform any kind of services and it cannot be considered as legal advice. Proprietor is not responsible for damages as a result of information contained on the Web Site. Proprietor endeavours to provide correct and updated contents, but cannot be made responsible for erroneous or outdated contents.
In order to provide a more comprehensive information, the Web Site contains links to other IP-related sites. These links are included for information purposes only. Proprietor is not responsable for damages sustained for the use of information obtained from those links.
Rights on the Web Site design, texts and INTERALIA trademark belong to Proprietor.
Web Site does not contain links to any email addresses or other links which can be used to contact the company. Users’ personal data are not gathered or requested by any other means.
Web Site provides InterAlia contact details (phone, fax, email addresses). If by means of this information a user contacts InterAlia, the data provided shall be used exclusively to respond to user’s query. If as a result of it or by any other means InterAlia’s services are retained, data provided by client shall be loaded onto a database registered with the Spanish Data Protection Authority and used for the purposes of performing the requested services and if the case may be, to provide information about developments in the IP field.

37005 Salamanca (Spain)
Tels. 923091001